GoDiagram > 컴포넌트/라이브러리

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GoDiagram > 컴포넌트/라이브러리

GoDiagram 요약정보 및 구매

Windows Forms 에서 사용 가능한 강력한 다이어그램입니다.

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Northwoods Software
배송비결제 무료배송
선택 제품명 형태 수량 금액(VAT포함)
GoDiagram 라이센스 견적가능

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

Windows Forms 에서 사용 가능한 강력한 다이어그램입니다.

상품 상세설명

Packed with Diagramming Concepts

GoDiagram makes it easy to build applications where users can see and manipulate graphs of nodes connected by links.

From simple diagrams to interactive workflows and complex system monitors, GoDiagram helps you quickly create rich displays for your diagramming needs.





Built-in and Customizable

GoDiagram contains several built-in node types and full sample applications to get your project started quickly. GoDiagram is built from the ground up in C# and is designed to be extensible for your custom needs.






Learn by example with our powerful samples. GoDiagram samples include many common diagrams that function as proofs-of-concept and starting points for your project.





Thorough Documentation

From user guides to a comprehensive API, our developer-written documentation for will improve your team's productivity.



Instruments with GoDiagram

GoDiagram comes with an Instrument library to help display numeric values in a graphical way as a part of your GoDiagram applications. GoDiagram comes with an InstrumentDemo to get you started quickly with Instruments.





GoDiagram API

GoDiagram's detailed API is complete and full of code examples.



Diagram Components for .NET Winforms

GoDiagram provides diagramming components for .NET Winforms, and has been designed to take advantage of the many new features that Microsoft .NET provides. As a member of the Visual Studio Partner (VSP) Program, we work closely with Microsoft to ensure that our .NET products integrate seamlessly into Visual Studio.

For web development consider our newer products GoXam for Silverlight and GoJS for HTML5 Canvas. GoDiagram for WebForms is still available for existing customers.

VS Partner


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