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NXPowerLite 요약정보 및 구매

NXPowerLite는 MS PowerPoint 사용자를 위한 필수 압축 도구입니다. NXPowerLite는 프리젠테이션 내용에 삽입된 문서와 그래픽을 자동으로 압축하여 PPT파일 크기를 줄여줍니다. NXPowerLite를 사용하면 PPT파일을 품질의 손상 없이 90% 이상 압축해주기 때문에 파일관리나 이메일 전송을 간편하게 해줍니다.

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Neuxpower
배송비결제 주문시 결제
선택 제품명 형태 수량 금액(VAT포함)
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Win 1 users 라이센스 93,800원 → 75,000
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Win 2 - 9 users 라이센스 84,400원 → 67,500
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Win 10 - 24 users 라이센스 75,000원 → 60,000
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Win 25 - 49 users 라이센스 65,700원 → 52,500
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Win 50 - 99 users 라이센스 58,200원 → 46,500
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Mac 1 users 라이센스 93,800원 → 75,000
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Mac 2 - 9 users 라이센스 84,400원 → 67,500
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Mac 10 - 24 users 라이센스 75,000원 → 60,000
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Mac 25 - 49 users 라이센스 65,700원 → 52,500
NXPowerLite Desktop 6 - Mac 50 - 99 users 라이센스 58,200원 → 46,500
NXPowerLite for File Servers 6 0 - 250 GB 라이센스 928,200원 → 742,500
NXPowerLite for File Servers 6 250 - 500 GB 라이센스 1,687,500원 → 1,350,000
NXPowerLite for File Servers 6 500 - 750 GB 라이센스 2,428,200원 → 1,942,500
NXPowerLite for File Servers 6 750 GB - 1 TB 라이센스 3,178,200원 → 2,542,500
NXPowerLite for PowerPoint - Mac 1 + 라이센스 54,400원 → 43,500

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

NXPowerLite는 MS PowerPoint 사용자를 위한 필수 압축 도구입니다. NXPowerLite는 프리젠테이션 내용에 삽입된 문서와 그래픽을 자동으로 압축하여 PPT파일 크기를 줄여줍니다. NXPowerLite를 사용하면 PPT파일을 품질의 손상 없이 90% 이상 압축해주기 때문에 파일관리나 이메일 전송을 간편하게 해줍니다.

상품 상세설명

NXPowerLite for File Servers 6
Compress PDF, Microsoft Office, JPEG and TIFF files automatically on your server.
Key Features
Powerful Rules
Select which folders and file types to optimize, choose your settings and schedule when the rules take effect. Older files can be optimized using more aggressive settings for even greater savings. Easily exclude folders that should not be optimized.
Edit rules dialog from NXPowerLite for File Servers
Flexible Scheduling
NXPowerLite can be scheduled to start at any specific time and date and allows for many different repeat types depending on what slot is selected. NXPowerLite will continuously loop over the selected folders only pausing when there is no content to optimize.
NXPowerLite is also compatible with Windows task scheduler meaning you can 'Continue' or 'Pause' the service from other events.
NXPowerLite for File Servers - Schedule Dialog
Completely transparent
Files optimized with NXPowerLite stay in the same format - a PDF remains a PDF. It will look and feel identical to the original, just much smaller. So running NXPowerLite can be completely transparent to end users.
Completely transparent - a PDF remains a PDF
Works with all storage
Designed to run on Windows, NXPowerLite can also compress files on any other device that Windows can connect to.
Range of storage vendor logos
Simplicity by design
We purposely designed our software to make sure it requires little planning, no changes to how you work and no downtime. It's very quick to install and configure, and once started it simply runs in the background automatically optimizing files.
NXPowerLite Desktop 6
Compress PDF, Microsoft Office and JPEG files from the desktop, Explorer, or automatically in email.
Shrink PDF, Office and JPEG files
NXPowerLite will compress PDF, Microsoft Office and JPEG files simply and effectively, making them easy to email as attachments. It is especially effective on files that don’t zip well.
Smaller files - same format
Optimized files stay in the same format - a PDF remains a PDF. It will look and feel identical to the original, just much smaller.
Optimize or Compress?
NXPowerLite now does both, so when you send your email it will try to optimize and compress and apply whichever is the most effective technique at reducing file size - in some cases both.
Automatically compress emails
NXPowerLite integrates with email to shrink your attachments as they are sent.
You can also selectively reduce files within your Office applications, or use the ‘NXPowerLite’ menu to quickly optimize files directly from Windows Explorer.
One key for Windows or Mac
Registration keys for NXPowerLite Desktop will work with either the Windows or the Mac version, so if you switch platforms you can keep using NXPowerLite. It also means if you are buying multi-user licences you don't need to specify how many of each platform you want up front.


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